14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours. That’s how many hours and days it took to make my LIFE, make me a GOOD HUMAN BEING, help me experience the BEST, CREATE, INNOVATE & PERSEVERE.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours are the numbers of days and hours that were defined by a set of extraordinary and superwomen. I call them TEACHERS.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours I spent in School. Getting the best in education, learning what life is all about. Being taught how to deal with a crisis, loving and giving to others.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours my teachers helped me pave the path to my future that I walk so smoothly today.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours my teachers held my hands and taught me to hold others with gratitude, compassion and humility.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours I witnessed few human beings who gave without expecting any in return.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours my teachers – at times angrily, yet with motherly care – taught us to differentiate between good and bad.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours My Teachers taught us to believe in ourselves.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours My Teachers loved each one of us.
14 Years, 3696 Days and 25872 Hours and till date, we cannot stop thanking our beloved TEACHERS!