Effing Weird About The Beard The worst part of having PCOS is not the lurking relatives, bantering over your head about their expectation of carrying a 10-pounder life in my uterus … no, it’s not that. It’s the effing “beard”. The struggle is real people. I get it. I feel you “Men”. I feel you!
Practice makes perfect. And what is perfection? Perfection is a perception. What might seem perfect for you will look otherwise to another person? Perfection is not absolute theory. It’s the amalgamation of grit, effort, desire, and passion for churning out a result as per your perception. No one is perfect (except for our furry-doggo babies!)
It was one of those days, when sudden plans unfold and you’re left at the office all night. Thank God for the makeshift mattress in the Production Room, else I would have sacrifice my backbone, sleeping on the chair. Now that you know we have a makeshift mattress in our office, you’ll not be surprised